Season 2
Episode 25: Highly sensitive to energy (Chi): empathetic empaths, or psycho-/sociopaths?
Empathetic saints and psycho-/sociopaths all arise from empaths. Empaths who contribute to humanity are those who can relate to actuality.
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Episode 24: What’s so scary about anger?
Anger is a gateway to constructive change when we directly address and resolve the issues that cause it.
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Episode 23: The workings of the Law of Attraction through Chi.
Attraction is complicated, but you can make it work by addressing and working through the issues that prevent you from reaching your deepest desires.
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Episode 22: A chat about AI, humans and Chi with ChatGPT.
AI becomes a threat only when humans forget how to be human!
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Episode 21: Emotional support fosters harmony.
Communicate when emotional support is ready to be received and given; that’s when our Chi connects and harmony is created.
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Episode 20: Constructive optimism!
Constructive optimism is much better than multivitamin pills for Chi and health. By focusing on doing what we do well and hoping for the best, we can get through tough times with much less unnecessary stress.
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Episode 19: Humbleness: a problematic virtue for Chi and marketing.
Showing up, serving, and helping others, no matter who they are, is the true spirit of humbleness.
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Episode 18: Validation game.
We play validation games because we want to be loved. The ultimate validation is feeling loved unconditionally.
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Episode 17: Heartbreak and pain.
Persist emotional pain, such as heartbreak, ruins our heart.
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Episode 16: Happiness! Not the Dalai Lama’s take on it!
One minds happiness because one is disconnected from one’s natural happy emotions. Search within your heart for your emotion of happiness, not in your mind for stories.
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Episode 15:Millions shades of fear!
We learn and imagine what we should fear. Focus your brain on learning love instead of fear!
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Episode 14: Life or death!
Believe in life. Consider the afterlife as a bonus.
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Episode 13: Transpersonal trauma.
Transpersonal trauma is when empathy backfires and Chi connection turns destructive! The more prevalent transpersonal trauma is, the more chaos there is in a home and a society.
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Episode 12: Responsibility vs. accountability encourages Chi flow distinctively.
We ask for much responsibility, but not enough accountability.
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Episode 11: Story making in the head breeds blockages in Chi and life.
Believing the false reality of the stories in our heads brings stumbling blocks into our lives and robs us of truly living.
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Episode 10: Chi hack to rewire the brain!
Give Chi hack a try for your New Year’s resolution.
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Episode 9: Sincere giving and receiving cultivate constructive Chi flows.
We may not be able to give people what they want, but we may choose to share what’s in our abundance. Receiving it doesn’t come with obligation, but a choice to feel grateful and appreciation.
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Episode 8: Brain bully pummels our Chi!
Progress comes from thinking differently, not from being forced to think the same!
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Episode 7: Thankfulness drives Chi flow to peace.
Have thanks, peace follows.
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Episode 6: Being defensive and defending ourselves impact Chi and our health drastically differently!
Being defensive builds a fool out of us, also steals our mental, emotional and physical resources. To cut being defensive is to cut taking things personally.
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Episode 5: ‘Taking things personally’, how Chi wraps around it!
We can take the opportunity of taking things personally to heal our wounds and excel.
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Episode 4: Blocked Chi flow encourages “Provoking”.
Let’s talk for real, not just provoke!
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Episode 3: “I don’t know” sabotages our Chi!
When we are thoughtful about sharing information, we sidestep the emotional baggage that comes with “I don’t know”.
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Episode 2: It matters to Chi if we truly connect with “True self”!
To be the “true self” is to be “true to self”.
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Episode 1: Chi revisted!
In harmony with existence is in harmony with Chi.
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Season 1
Episode 32: Chi in the pursuit of Spirituality!
When we use the saying that I’m spiritual, not religious, do we really understand what spirituality is?
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Episode 31: Is boundary a Chi thing?
Establishing and maintaining boundaries are nature’s way to keep harmony. Even as invasive as Chi, it respects boundaries.
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Episode 30: Does Chi care if you are the best version of yourself?
The best version of yourself is a double-edged sword. It cuts Chi from connecting with you.
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Episode 29: Redirecting mis-guides Chi.
Over reliance on redirecting prevents us from connecting with ourselves, thus disconnects Chi from us.
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Episode 28: Good health and Chi.
Physical strength = strong Chi = good health?
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Episode 27: Junk Chi Sponge?
Humans are high-capacity sponges innately sponging up junk Chi. It’s up to us to teach (not tell) the brain what to hold on to and what not to hold on to (let go).
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Episode 26: Chi in the mix of happiness, sadness, heartbreak, and depression.
“There were tears and cries of disbelief. A stabbing pain in my heart. Joy came out of pain. And I have never been so completely happy as I am today.” -- Tina Turner
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Episode 25: Constructive Chi breaks the victim trap!
Dis-enabling victim patterns and empowering constructive engagements shape a victim into a true champion.
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Episode 24: Let Chi bring out the champion in you!
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We may not all be winners, but we can all be champions.
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Episode 23: Chi is the key in healing intergenerational trauma.
When mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral issues persist and recurrent, it is a sign of intergenerational trauma.
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Episode 22: Money, how we react to it governs Chi and our wealth.
Transactions bring money alive and move Chi energy. The comfort level and the altitude of transactions separate the rich from the poor. What are your comfort level and attitude?
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Episode 21: GUILT!
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Nothing dampens Chi and controls human behaviors like guilt! It is the heart of the tragedies of humanity. Yet, you can rise above it!
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Episode 20: Self-identity, the home of your Chi that shapes your destiny!
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Our choices and actions reflect our identity. They veer our life towards our destiny. How satisfied are you with your choices and actions?
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Episode 19: Love, the engine transforms Chi! How?
Love is an emotion experience, not a thought! Desire to be loved drives human relations and achievements!
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Episode 18: Fear's control of Chi and you!
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Fear is not your enemy, is also
not your friend! It is the guide to keep you safe! But are you controlled by
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Chi loves purpose! A life purpose, we might not have, a life with purpose is the aim for now!
Episode 12: "Mind over matter, Part 2
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Don’t give up, don’t ever give up, when it really matters to you and mankind!
Episode 11: "Mind over matter, Part 1
Mind over matter is the magic of us pushing the limit of our human capacity!
Episode 10: "Faith in yourself, Part 2
The magic formula for developing faith in yourself: 60%.
Episode 9: "Faith in yourself, Part 1
Having faith in yourself, chi will be with you, and your dream will come true!
Episode 8: "The power and energy of words, Part 2"
The energy of your words reflect the intended path! The power of those words is as strong as your actions behind them.
Episode 7: "The power and energy of words, Part 1"
Do words have power over you, or
do you have power over words?
Episode 6: "Judging and Kindness, where do they take us?, Part 2
Judging is the target practice for connecting with Chi.
Kindness keeps the Chi in our hearts active!
Episode 5: "Judging and Kindness, where do they take us?, Part 1"
Judging is easy, but judging without condemning is hard.
Being kind is easy, but kindness without ulterior motives is hard.
Judging with kindness encourages the exchange of chi energy.
Episode 4: "Connect with Chi Through Understanding, Part 2"
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Understanding is about "Connecting the Right Dots". It's not about putting ourselves in other people's shoes.
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Episode 3: "Connect with Chi Through Understanding, Part 1"
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Personal story about how understanding helps Silvia to overcome the emotion barriers that get in the way of her learning Spanish.
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Episode 2: 'Connect with Chi Through "The Truth"'
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See no evil, hear no evil and say no evil, thus there is no evil and there is no truth!
Only when we are able to connect with the absolute truth, that’s when we can trust our feelings and knowing to detect and connect with chi, the universal energy.
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Episode 1 "What is Chi?"
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What is Chi? It's the quantum of the existence of the universe. - Vivalachi